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Famous Scientists | Guess the Scientist | Quiz

Jecasa Ltd

Can you guess who these 37 scientists are?

Scientists included in this quiz:

Albert Einstein Known for his work on General Relativity.
Isaac Newton Known for his work on universal gravitation, calculus…
Galileo Galilei Known for his work on analytical dynamics, heliocentrism, kinematics, observational astronomy…
Marie Curie Known for her pioneering research on radioactivity, discovering polonium and radium.
Charles Darwin Known for his work on “On the Origin of Species”
Stephen Hawking Known for his work on Hawking radiation, black hole information paradox...
Alexander Graham Bell Known for the invention of the telephone and cofounding of AT&T
Rosalind Franklin Known for her work on Structure of DNA, Structures of viruses …
Michael Faraday Known for Faraday's law of induction, Faraday cage...
Nicolaus Copernicus Known for Heliocentrism, Quantity theory of money...
Thomas Edison Known for Edison light bulb, Kinetoscope, Phonograph…
Benjamin Franklin Known for the invention of the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove...
Nikola Tesla Known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.
Carl Linnaeus Known for his work on Binomial nomenclature and as the "father of modern taxonomy".
Antoine Lavoisier Known for his work on the "Law of conservation of mass" and "Combustion"
Archimedes Known for his work on Hydrostatics, Law of the Lever, Archimedes’ Principle...
Louis Pasteur Known for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.
Robert Hooke Known for his pioneering work on microorganisms and coining the term 'cell'
Robert Boyle Known for Boyle's law, which describes the inversely proportional relationship between the absolute pressure and volume of a gas, if the temperature is kept constant within a closed system.
James Watson Known for his pioneering work in proposing the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
Leonardo da Vinci Known for his paintings, drawings, sculptures and his work related to engineering, sciences and architecture.
Alexander Fleming Known for the discovery of penicillin and lysozyme.
Gregor Mendel Known for creating the science of Genetics.
Anders Celsius Known for proposing the Centigrade temperature scale which was later renamed Celsius in his honour.
William Thomson (1st Baron Kelvin) Known for determining the absolute zero (−273.15 °C) or Zero kelvin named in his honour.
Niels Bohr Known for his foundational contributions to the understanding atomic structure and quantum theory.
AndréMarie Ampère Known for Ampère's force law and considered one of the founders of classical electromagnetism.
James Clerk Maxwell Known for Maxwell's equations for Electromagnetism.
Richarda Feynman Known for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics.
Alfred Nobel Known for having bequeathed his fortune to establish the Nobel Prize.
Alessandro Volta Known for the invention of the electric battery and the discoverer of methane.
Ernest Rutherford Known for discovery of alpha and beta radiation, atomic nucleus, proton, radon...
Carl Sagan Known for his research on extraterrestrial life.
Edwin Hubble Known for his contributions in establishing the fields of extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology.
Carl Friedrich Gauss Known for his significant contributions to mathematics and science.
Max Planck Known for his role as the originator of quantum theory.
Hans Christian Ørsted Known for the discovery of electromagnetism and aluminium.

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You may be interested in the following (these are promotional links):

100 Scientists Who Made History, Hardcover – 1 Feb. 2018 [Book]:
Scientists Who Changed History, Hardcover – 5 Sept. 2019 [Book]:
Famous Scientists Coloring Book: Famous Scientists Coloring Book for All Ages, Paperback – 21 April 2023 [Book]:

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