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Falcon Cam🌼2023🌼Day 39 Following Hatching🐣Worcester Cathedral

Falcon Rec

The Worcester Peregrines have returned to the Cathedral to nest!

On March 19th, the female laid the first egg, followed by four more during the following few days.
From April 26 to 29, the peregrine falcon chicks hatched.

On May 22nd, the babies have rings placed on their ankles, and are weighed, measured and recorded on the national database to enable them to be identified after they fledge.

Many wonderful names have been suggested for Worcester Cathedral, and we thank everyone who has contributed.
They are delighted to announce the following peregrine family names:
Mum: Peggy
Dad: Peter (to mark the Dean's retirement)
Chick: Penguin
Chick: Penelope
Chick: Percie
Chick: Mr Lazy (the male who took forever to fledge)!

The juvenile will depart the nest on June 4th

All of the preceding information was obtained from the Worcester Cathedral website.

posted by phehooplark1p