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Extraterrestrial life: are they the aliens that were defeated 6 billion years ago


Brief introduction:

This is an animal series and we're talking about the octopus, the group of aliens who were defeated 600 million years ago.

→→ Relevant video

Landing ancestors of humans (coelacanth) →   • 3米長的大白鯊竟離奇消失是什麼隱秘在深海的角落……|自說自話的總裁  

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   / @stboss  

→→ Selected animal series

Do u play the highest (whale)    • 鯨爆大自然的炸彈有史以來最有味道的一集……|自說自話的總裁  

Second (Megalodon) →   • 3米長的大白鯊竟離奇消失是什麼隱秘在深海的角落……|自說自話的總裁  

Do u play the third (warrior)    • 二戰中的熊戰士抽煙、喝酒、把妹還能晉升下士……|自說自話的總裁  

The third set (mites)    • 螨蟲毛囊裡的異形看完這期你的皮膚會變好……|自說自話的總裁  

The second set (herring canned & rotten meat)    • 鯡魚罐頭可以吃的生化武器吃腐肉也許是一種本能……|自說自話的總裁  

The fifth set (Mongolian death worm)    • 蒙古死亡蠕蟲找到它就能找到成吉思汗的寶藏……|自說自話的總裁  

Episode 7 (Chimps) →   • 黑猩猩的政治比人類更擅長政治的動物……|自說自話的總裁  

8 sets (mysterious ancient)    • 5種神秘古人類不會出現在教科書上……|自說自話的總裁  

The ninth set (killer bees)    • 人造怪物63年前27只殺人蜂逃出實驗室現在它們擁有15億只殺人蜂大軍...  

Episode 10 (Super Mushroom) →   • 改造地球演化萬物主宰一切的超級生物它簡直是上帝的造物工具……|自說自...  

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The contents of the channel are summarized as follows:

→ Physical Geography

Talk about natural phenomena

The second set (micro plastic)    • 微塑料大自然的考題蓋亞正在測試人類……|自說自話的總裁  

The first set (lightning)    • 神的畫筆為什麼閃電電不死人特斯拉如何利用閃電誰在控制閃電關於閃電的...  

→ Animal World

** Talk about amazing animals

The ninth set (killer bees)    • 人造怪物63年前27只殺人蜂逃出實驗室現在它們擁有15億只殺人蜂大軍...  

8 sets (mysterious ancient)    • 5種神秘古人類不會出現在教科書上……|自說自話的總裁  

Episode 7 (Chimpanzee Politics)    • 黑猩猩的政治比人類更擅長政治的動物……|自說自話的總裁  

Episode 6 (Megalodon) →   • 3米長的大白鯊竟離奇消失是什麼隱秘在深海的角落……|自說自話的總裁  

The fifth set (Mongolian death worm)    • 蒙古死亡蠕蟲找到它就能找到成吉思汗的寶藏……|自說自話的總裁  

In the fourth set (warrior)    • 二戰中的熊戰士抽煙、喝酒、把妹還能晉升下士……|自說自話的總裁  

The third set (mites)    • 螨蟲毛囊裡的異形看完這期你的皮膚會變好……|自說自話的總裁  

The second set (herring canned & rotten meat)    • 鯡魚罐頭可以吃的生化武器吃腐肉也許是一種本能……|自說自話的總裁  

The first set (whale)    • 鯨爆大自然的炸彈有史以來最有味道的一集……|自說自話的總裁  

→ Psychological Series

** Talk about all the different things about psychology

The tenth set (Tibet degree appear)    • 西藏度亡經讓你變強的心理學榮格靠它建立了集體潛意識理論……|自說自話的總裁  

The ninth set (five)    • 五個殘酷的心理學實驗把人當做實驗對象揭開了人心中的秘密……|自說自話的總裁  

8 sets (li) limited capacity experiment    • 探訪靈界的實驗前台大校長李嗣涔博士的超自然實驗……|自說自話的總裁  

Episode 7 (OCD) →   • 強迫症都是被神選中的人腦海中控制不住的強迫念頭來自哪裡|自說自話的總裁  

Episode 6 (Skinner Box) →   • 正在控制你的心理學秘術……|自說自話的總裁  

The fifth set (& brain machine interface)    • 從大腦之謎到腦機接口「腦後插管」離我們只差2個月……|自說自話的總裁  

The fourth set (Frontal Lobe & Soul) →    / q7d9tvzk4  

The third set utopia (mouse)    • 25號宇宙預言人類結局的實驗老鼠烏托邦未來已來……|自說自話的總裁  

The second set (lu dongbin, jung, Pauli)    • 神寫的書來自中國讀懂它的兩個歐洲人都被現代科學「封神」|自說自話的總裁  

The first set (control dream, become a god)    • 學會控制夢就能成為神特斯拉原來是個控梦高手……天才的靈感都來源於夢中...  

→ Human Series II

** Talk about biology

Episode 12 (Slaves to the Gene) →   • 《自私的基因》揭秘我们都是基因的奴隶……|自說自話的總裁  

11 sets (rickettsia)    • 穿越的醫書1700年前的中醫典籍記載了1928年的諾貝爾獎……|自說自...  

10 sets (soul)    • 神寫的書來自中國讀懂它的兩個歐洲人都被現代科學「封神」|自說自話的總裁  

The ninth set (anthrax)    • 惡魔的種子一定要被禁止……|自說自話的總裁  

8 sets (prion)    • 神的禁令寫在人類的20號染色體上神究竟禁止人類做什麼|自說自話的總裁  

Seventh (phage)    • 38億年前的納米機器人曾被雪藏100年的發現未來將是拯救人類的超級武器...  

Episode 6 (Consciousness)    • 【總裁夫人首出鏡】病毒打開基因鎖的鑰匙……人類如何進化人類的自我意識從...  

→ Caijing Series

** Talk about all the different things about making money

The first set (short)    • 金融危機正在盤旋我們如何在金融危機中賺錢|自說自話的總裁  

The second set (Keynes & alchemy)    • 三個最強煉金術士煉金術即將被再次使用……|自說自話的總裁  

→→ Prehistoric Ancient Civilization series:

** is here to talk about ancient civilizations.

0, China (Yellow Emperor, Fu Hao, Ninestorey Demon Tower, Tibet, Xinjiang)

1, Valley of India (Mohendzo Darrow, Krishna devaka)

Anatolia (Gobekli Stonehenge, Linkuyu Dungeon)

3, Sumerian (Mythic Nibiru Anunaki, Sumerian King Table, Gilgamesh, Enkidu and Chiyou)

4, Egypt (Tutankhamun The Curse of the Pharaohs, Akhenaten Moses and Monotheism

5, Greece (Thebes, Alexandria, Prehistoric computer)

6, Persian (Zoroastrianism)

7. Tibet (Rosan Rumba, Kailin Poki; The Legend of Xiangxiong, the Tubo demon girl, the Double practice of Tantric Sect, and the reincarnation of lingtong

8, America (Coral Castle, Tiawanaco, Hopi)

9, Europe (UFO remains from 250,000 years ago & an ancient map of Antarctica)

10, The South Pole (an antenna on the sea floor at 4000 meters & an ancient map of the South Pole)

11, Africa (Sirius Trilogy & Circle of Death)

posted by kelson0b