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Everything In Life Fulfills A Need You Can Always Find New Ways To Get Your Needs Met

Average Guy

We constantly need to replenish our emotional needs for psychological sustenance in the same way we must drink water or eat food for our physical sustenance.

Examples Of Current Need Fulfillment For Tim Jack:

Facebook Job = Need For Security
Lover = Need For Appreciation, Desirability
Music = Need For Creative Fulfillment, Expression, Status

A lot of the fear in life comes from a sense of scarcity that opportunities to fill these needs are in short supply.

I need to hold onto the Facebook job otherwise who am I? I need to settle for the affection I receive otherwise where else will I get it? I need to write this song perfectly, otherwise when will I have another creative breakthrough?

This type of thinking emerges as anxiety at work, neediness in relationships, fear of creative mistakes, fear around taking risks, failing, etc…

The issues stem from thinking these things are not within our control to replenish. We confuse the thing meeting the need as the need itself.

The truth is there is an endless supply of opportunities to fulfill our most fundamental needs.

I don’t need facebook, I need a sense of security. There are endless jobs to meet this need.
I don’t need a lover, I need to feel loved. There are endless people with whom I can form relationships.
I don’t need music, I need an outlet for creative expression. There are endless opportunities to create.

Should any of these things be taken away I know I would be able to find another way to meet these needs and it’s from this place that confidence emerges.

If I lost my current job, another would come around, eventually.
Should my lover decide to leave, another lover would come into my life, eventually.
Should my musical creativity become blocked, a different form of inspiration would propel me forward, eventually.

It is possible to feel committed in relationships, even when you know they are replaceable. Fulfilled at work even when you know there could be something else out there. In love with a new song, even when you know it’s not the best one you’ll write.

It is always possible to find another new way to meet your most fundamental needs as you go through life.

posted by junuew