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Edible Water


Ooho | 오호

Today's menu is 'Edible Water' A.K.A 'Ooho' which is basically an edible water bottle.
It consists of water held in edible transparent membrane.
I'm not sure if it can replace plastic bottles but it certainly is a lot more fun haha
One down side tho... When you mix water with sodium alginate, it turns kinda slimy which isn't exactly pleasant to drink...
I tried submerging calcium lactate solution into sodium alginate solution instead so that the solution inside the membrane isn't slimy anymore... but, it didn't work out very well as it was impossible to form it into a sphere.
I saw some people saying water mixed with sodium alginate smells awful but mine didn't really smell like anything... Maybe it has something to do with sodium alginate quality? idk...

#Ooho #오호

Spinning Tavern by Jonathan Shaw is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

8Bit March by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Most sound effects are obtained from '' and are licensed under their 'standard license'
As a gold account holder, I am exempt from their attribution/credit requirement.
However, as a sign of my appreciation I will continue to credit their website in the video description.

posted by potpali75