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Eat more corn in the summer teach you new ways to eat and cook more delicious than meat!

Xiaoying Cuisine

What I share today is to make a loaf of bread with corn and red bean paste.
1. Prepare two corns, peel and clean them; cut the corn kernels and put them into the pan; add three eggs to the pan; then put them into the cooking machine and beat them into cornmeal;
2. Pour the corn paste into a larger bowl, add 30 grams of sugar, 4 grams of yeast powder, and mix well; then add 400 grams of highgluten flour, stir into a floc; add 25 grams of cooking oil, knead the dough Cover the lid and ferment to twice the size;
3. Knead the dough for about five minutes, knead the strip, divide it into eight small doughs on average; arrange the dough into a round shape, then knead the strips and knead the dough into 0.5 cm thick cakes;
4. Use chopsticks to press the lines on the dough cake, turn over the surface; smear the bean paste on the cake (you can also replace it with your favorite filling), fold it up, roll it from one side, and gently touch it with your fingers in the middle. Press (as shown in the video);
5. Prepare a mold, put on cooking oil, put the dough into the mold, and cover the lid to ferment twice as large;
6. Prepare an egg yolk, brush it on the dough, sprinkle some cooked sesame seeds, and cover with a high temperature resistant plastic wrap;
7. Put the mold into the steamer, steam for 45 minutes on high heat, and simmer for 5 minutes after turning off the heat;
8. Delicious corn bean bread can be eaten.

Hello everyone, welcome everyone to Xiaoying cuisine. I usually like to cook and love food. I will share a dish every day here, everyone can learn to try and do it, I hope that everyone's life can be more and more beautiful. Friends who like food can subscribe to the squat.

posted by huirouo