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Dr. Robert Moore | Beneath the Surface: Psychic Structure Gender and Wholeness.

Dr. Robert Moore lecture tapes

Beneath the Surface: Psychic Structure, Gender and Wholeness presented by Robert Moore at the CG Jung Institute of Chicago October 20, 1993. Part of the conference 'Who Do We Think We Are? The Mystery and Muddle of Gender.'

Reviewing past interpretations of anima and animus, the familiar Jungian concepts of the contrasexual Other within, analyst Robert Moore critiques the adequacy of earlier approaches to these concepts and propose a new way to understand them as actual deep structures within the archetypal Self. Moore not only delineates the influence these structures have on our individuation and relationships, more importantly he shows how they offer a map to the nature and content of the wholeness required of us if both genders are to move beyond caricature, contempt, and confrontation to a partnership in the quest for a viable Earth Community.

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