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Dogs Anxiety Medication


Dogs Anxiety Medication

If your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, you may be wondering if prescription drugs are a good idea. Will medication change your dog’s personality? Will they turn into a “zombie” because of excessive sedation? What about other side effects, including any longterm safety concerns? And if your dog starts taking medication for anxiety, will they have to stay on it forever?

In a scientific report published in March 2020, researchers revealed that nearly 70% of dogs demonstrate some degree of anxietytype behavior. And just like many people treat their anxiety with medications, depending on the severity and persistence of the symptoms, dogs can also be treated with drugs.

If your dog takes any medications, please contact his veterinarian to find out whether or not they might contribute to his housesoiling problems.

if your dog suffers from serious anxiety, it's worth taking a trip to the vet, as there are medications that may help your fourlegged friend.

Dogs Anxiety Medication

   • Dogs Anxiety Medication  

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posted by amandditaa7