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DIY detecting and solving problems with dog pregnancy

Love My Pups,
Dog Breeding process and problems
Impregnation, delivery, mom and puppy care
What can go wrong and how to diagnose it

(0:40) Is you dog healthy? Simple! If your dog's not healthy go to the vet.
ex: CHV1    • CHV1Canine Herpes Virus (fading pupp...  
(1:04) timing has to be right, or no puppies at allsmall litter.
window of opportunity day 11 and 13
Progesterone Testing:    • Predicting puppy birth for c section ...  
AI'ing:    • DIY, Breed Dogs In This Position For ...  
(1:44) Quality semen collecting:   • DIY, Shipping Dog Semen Any Where Aro...  
ex. Pulling:    • Part1, Pulling Semen from French Bul...  
(2:14) Split Heats
(3:54) Pregnancy Prolapse, Telescoping
(5:54)Uterus infections parametria
(6:35) Signs of infection
has temperature, peeing frequently, not eating, thirsty, has discharge,
smelly, ....
Think you have a problem with your animal?
Take dog's temperature with a thermometer
(7:32)Over 102FTrip to the vet, don't muck around
Vaginal infection may need antibiotics
(8:31)Indicators of pregnacy:    • DIY, Know If Your DAM Is Pregnant,  
(8:18)Spotting 35 weeks into pregnancy may need bed rest
Green discharge possibly placenta tear net vet visit
Google problems for further info
(11:02)Mucus Days or hours before whelp, Uterian plug
(11:47)Water breaks before whelp should already have a vet ready
(12:25)False pregnancy/labor
(11:25)Process of having puppies
CSection video:    • French Bulldog birth Part ii, CSection  
(16:00)Emergency birth without vet lots of vaseline needed
(17:14)Litter on the ground
Mother has no milk? Shot of oxytocin by vet
Goats milk with bottle and silicon nipple
Feeding tube video:    • French Bulldogs, Bottle Feeding  
ex. bottle feeding:    • Hand feeding  
(19:18) Health of puppy
Keep them warm
Constantly check weight
Weight gain .5ounce per day after first day
Dew claw removal:    • French Bulldogs, How to Remove Dew Claws  
(20:17)Cleft palate (Hairlip)
(21:35)Nursing problems
Whelping Video:   • How to save preamature puppies  
(22:50)Mother with aggressive behavior
(23:25)Rejects puppies or has no milk
(24:00)Taping legs,fat flat chest puppies
Taping Video:    • Pulling and Collecting Semen From Dogs  
Taping Ears:    • DIY, Taping your Dog/Puppy Ears  
(25:17)Mastitis, breast hardens when milk goes bad
(26:10)Eclampsia, lack of calcium milk fever
(27:00)Food BilJac cottage cheese goat milk
(27:44)When to start feeding puppies 10 days to 2 weeks
Royal Canin Puppy Mousse
(28:28)Wormings every 2/4/6/8 weeks
(28:45)Shots at 6, 9, 12 weeks

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Call or text anytime
James 5807992873

posted by flotinjd