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Display of affection in mosquito net EXCEPT some cats! | SanHua Cat Live

SanHua Cat Live

King of destruction is on the way. Guess how much time does it take to destroy our mosquito net?

【SanHua Cat Live】is a story of a couple and their cats
There are currently five cats in the familyDu Fu, Tangerine Peel, Rice Cake, Li Bai, Zhongfen

Welcome to subscribe to follow + share, let's enjoy our cat movies together!

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instagram ➨   / sanhuacats  
bilibili➨ https://space.bilibili.com/9008159/
WeChat public account ID ➨ 花花与三猫CatLive

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#SanHuaCatLive #Cutepet #Cat #Kitty

posted by dravadasin