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In today’s highly connected world with smartphones, social media, chat groups, Internetofthings and what not, do you recollect the last time that you truly switched off…. without access to any of your devices for a meaningful period of time? I am sure that most of you would answer that by saying “I don’t remember”! If so, then it is time that you had a digital detox…..and that list of people includes yours truly as well! In a way, watching this video might make you wonder whether I am shooting myself in the foot! Perhaps that’s true, but handonheart, I strongly feel that we all require a digital detox from time to time to retain our sanity!

Here are some shocking facts:
• The average person checks his smartphone 200 times a day!
• 73% of Brits say that they would struggle to go a day without their phone.
• 70% of teenagers say they are more comfortable texting than talking!
• 25% of people globally say they spend more time in front of a screen than the time they sleep.
• An average teenager sends 3400 messages a month from his or her bed!

So, why do we need a digital detox?

Life as we know it today, puts multiple demands on our time, both work related as well as personal. Our smartphones will be incessantly pinging all the time with new mails and chat notifications. We don’t realise as to when this really starts getting on our nerves! So temporarily suspending our connectivity allows us to recuperate, recharge and rejuvenate ourselves. More often than not, we are likely to return with added vigour and improved productivity after a detox therapy!

When we are constantly connected, we are always reacting or responding…..but rarely thinking afresh! All revolutionary ideas have come from people who are constantly thinking and coming out with creative ideas. So once in a while, it makes a lot of sense to put that smartphone away, and have that alone time with our own minds.

A digital detox can do wonders to our health and relationships. Over the last few years since the advent of smartphones, meaningful conversations with family and friends have seen a decline as most people are busy poring over their phones, either chatting or surfing! Things have come to such a pass that some of the younger generation are more comfortable chatting up on Whatsapp with friends than striking a conversation! Its indeed a pity if we need to relearn basic communication skills!

posted by Birollih6