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Devon Rex Cat VS. Persian Cat

Kitten Life

Devon Rex Cat VS. Persian Cat.

What are the differences between these two cat breeds?

The Devon is often described as having an elfin appearance, with his large ears, high cheekbones, and striking eyes. His outstanding characteristic, however, is his soft, wavy fur. His curvy body starts with his head, a modified wedge shape with convex curves forming the outer edge of the ear lobes, the cheekbones and the whisker pads. The Devon has large, wideset, ovalshaped eyes and strikingly large ears set low on the head. The tips of the ears are tufted with fine fur.

A “rexed” coat is soft and fine, appearing to be without the harsh guard hairs that characterize most cat coats. The cat’s body is well covered with fur, most thickly on the back, sides, tail, legs, face, and ears. Some Devons have loose, shaggy curls, while others have a coat that is more thin and suedelike. The hair on the top of the head, the neck, chest and abdomen is slightly less dense and may even look downy, but the cat should never have bare patches

It comes in any genetically possible color, pattern or combination of colors and patterns, including solid white, black, blue, chocolate, cinnamon, lavender, and red; smoke patterns, which are a white undercoat deeply tipped with a specific color; and various calico, tabby, tortoiseshell, and pointed patterns. A Devon’s mediumsize body is deceptively slender unless the cat has been sneaking too many snacks. His body should feel hard and muscular.

The Persian has a distinctive appearance: a large, round head; large, round eyes; a short nose; full cheeks; and small ears with rounded tips. The head is supported by a short, thick neck and a deceptively sturdy, muscular body—a type known as “cobby.” A Persian’s legs are short, thick, and strong with large, round, firm paws. The tail is short but proportional to the length of the cat’s body. A long, thick, shiny coat with a fine texture completes the Persian’s look.

Persians can come in different “looks.” Some, known as Pekeface Persians, have an extremely flat face. Think twice about the breathing problems such a cat might have before deciding to get one. “Dollface” Persians are said to have a more oldfashioned appearance, with a face that is not as flat as the show Persian or the Pekeface Persian.

Persians of all stripes stand out for their infinite variety of coat colors and patterns. Imagine, if you will, seven solid color divisions—white, blue, black, red, cream, chocolate, and lilac—plus silver and golden division colors of chinchilla and shaded silver or golden and blue chinchilla and blue shaded silver or golden; and then there are the shaded, smoke, tabby, calico, particolor and bicolor divisions. That’s not counting the various pointed patterns of the Himalayan. Eye color is related to coat color.

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posted by bestvintage1u