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Deadly Spiders - Black Widow - Brazilian Wandering - Tarantula - Brown Recluse - Arachnophobia Araña

Dario Formica

Alejandro takes me for an exciting night tour of the Madidi Jungle, Amazon Rainforest, Bolivia . We encounter many spiders along our path, not sure what kind but probably most of them have neurotoxic venom. We also encounter the leafcutter ant working at night (hormiga cortadora y trabajadora) and other kinds of insects. The sounds of the jungle at night are amazing.

video by http://www.darioformica.com
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Goliath Tarantula Spider Ragno Arthropods Amazon Rainforest Basin Rurrenabaque Madidi Jungle Bolivia Dario Formica Function X2ds Brazilian Wandering Spider Jumping Spiders Arachnids Arachnophobia Arana del Amazonas hormiga cortadora de ojas trabajadora leafcutter ant formica tagliafoglie jaguar giaguaro redback funnel web brazilian wandering brown recluse black widow neurotoxic venom

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