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Dawesome Myth VST: Resynthesis (sort of) Physical Modeling and VA. What's Up with this Thing?

Keith Crosley

Dawesome's new VST flagship synth Myth is out. I was very excited about it, quickly became rather deflated, but bought it anyway. Why? Learn more about this "conflicting" synth in my overview/review. Along the way, we learn a few things about resynthesis, how KRC Mathwaves might be useful in a synth like Myth, physical modeling, virtual analog synthesis, and other synth stuff.

KRC Mathwaves full collection (140,000+ wavetables, just $29): https://www.wavetables.lol/l/wavetables

KRC Mathwaves free wavetables sampler (200+ wavetables, FREE): https://www.wavetables.lol/l/free?lay...

For more wavetable madness, see my KRC Mathwaves playlist here:
   • Wavetables: KRC Mathwaves  

My second look at Myth in which I cover Myth's physical modeling features and also uncover SECRETS OF THE IRIS is now here:
   • Physical Modeling Synthesis in Daweso...  


John "Skippy" Lemkuhl on Myth and the importance of voicing ("factory patches"):

Try or buy Myth by Dawesome here at Tracktion:

Sononym Link:

Sound Author's YouTube:
   / @soundauthor  

00:00:00 Intro: wavetables.lol and KRC Mathwaves
00:00:42 Introducing Myth
00:01:52 Why I'm Conflicted about Myth
00:03:06 Myth Marketing (Marketing Myths?)
00:05:00 Talking Resynthesis
00:08:32 Using the Myth Iris
00:13:16 Myth Tutorials
00:15:24 Syncing Timbre and Time
00:17:40 Types of Samples that Don't Import Well
00:21:19 Overview of Transformers in the Iris
00:27:17 Noise and Physical Modeling
00:30:50 This Thing Needs a Sample Player
00:32:04 Positives About Dawesome Myth
00:33:32 Great User Guide
00:34:55 Expression Modifiers and Macros
00:35:32 Factory Patches, VA, Filters, FX
00:38:59 Modulations, Factory Patch Suggestions
00:42:45 A Successful Resynthesis
00:44:46 Myth and Singlecycle Waveforms
00:49:10 FM, Animate, Spectral Blend Transfomers
00:51:43 Let's Try a Vocal Sample
00:52:57 More Physical Modeling, Modal Module
00:58:08 Let's Try Vocal Aahs
00:59:07 Dawesome, Add a Sample Player!
01:00:16 Modulating Transformers
01:02:00 Myth Summary: It's Polarizing

posted by britanic42hp