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Davie Shoring Florida - Meet Dave Smith

Davie Shoring, Inc.

Dave Smith is a Fort Myers local whose home underwent serious flooding damage from Hurricane Ian. At first, Dave took to repairing the immediate damage, but quickly realized the damage went a lot deeper than just cosmetic issues.

Water damage had wreaked havoc on the home itself, calling for replacing the drywall and repairing the foundation. That's when Dave realized that he could go through all of this trouble just for another storm to put him right back where he started.

Dave needed to find a way to avoid ever going through this mess ever again, and, with new, stricter regulations from FEMA, Dave only had two options: demolish and rebuild, or elevate his current home to meet FEMA regulations. That's when Davie Shoring entered the picture. After researching home elevation companies, Dave chose Davie Shoring for help based on their history of success in the industry and their proven system.

Davie Shoring was quick and eager to come to Dave's aide. Even after they signed an initial contract to raise the home 5 feet off the ground, when the county revamped their flood zones with tighter regulations, Davie Shoring worked with Dave to ensure that his house will be in compliance with the county for the future and at ⅓ .

At the end of the project, Dave Smith’s house will rest at an impressive 10 feet off the ground. A distance which puts him far above the danger of future flooding.

Running into issues with county rules and regulations? Think Davie could help you with a home elevation?

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posted by Kemahi9