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Cruiser the Australian Dingo Needs Your Help

The Farm

Could Cruiser the Dingo, and I, just have a moment of your time? It’s about something that is really quite close to our hearts.

I appreciate that this is a controversial topic in Australia, but I thought if you’re like us, you might also think the use of 1080 poison just isn’t right. Most especially used on our native wildlife like Dingoes. And if you weren’t aware, it’s not just used on Dingoes, but Brush Tail Possums too.

Maybe this is the first time you’ve heard about it, or perhaps you do already know about it, but didn’t know we have a choice to not use it. Perhaps you didn’t know what you could do to change things.

This petition is somewhere we can start and something small and easy we can do.

Small, but the difference it could make to the preservation of our beautiful Australian Dingo could turn out to be so very big. Plus you will have the opportunity to take a stand against 1080 poison.

Australia is among just 6 countries in the world that still legalise 1080 Poison.

The name 1080 comes from being the one thousand and eightieth chemical studied by scientists who were making poison to kill rats and other rodents during World War 2.

It is one of the most toxic substances known to exist in the world. There is no known antidote. It is a white, odourless and tasteless poison that is considered a chemical of security concern by the Federal Australian government. It is in the same restricted regulatory schedule as other notorious poisons like arsenic or cyanide.

In Australia, it is used to kill unwanted wildlife. Despite claims that it is targetspecific, it is frequently ingested by and kills nontarget animals.

The dying process from 1080 poison is excruciating and long.

Animals poisoned with 1080 scream, vomit, defecate and suffer violent and prolonged seizures. They die with a final convulsion anywhere between 30 minutes and 72 hours after ingesting the poison. In some species, death can occur even later.

The RSPCA have claimed it to be ‘not humane’.

This petition is asking the House to place Moratoriums on: LETHAL DINGO CONTROL and, POSSESSION OF 1080.

Dingoes are Australia’s only terrestrial apexpredator. Stable packs of dingoes are vital to the biodiversity and survivability of our unique ecosystems and native species.

If you would like to make a stand against this cruelty to our beloved Dingo please consider signing this petition. For Cruiser and his fellow Dingo brothers and sisters.

PLEASE NOTE it is really important when you add your signature you need to go back to your email to confirm your intent to sign.

Thank you so very much for reading this far. Additional and extra thanks to those that do sign this. Thank you very very much.

Here is a link to the petition again:

Many thanks to Jen Parker, a well respected Dingo advocate in the Dingo community, at Aussie Canis Dingo DAY, who is on the committee for this, also thanks to Monte Ling who has initiated this petition. Jen’s great knowledge and experience on this topic and her love and commitment for our Australian Dingo is inspiring. It has inspired us here at the farm. Her page is here:

And here is a link to the information used in our post, plus more evidence based reading about 1080 poison in Australia:

For those that would like to read more about the recent DNA research that is proving how unique our Australian Dingo is, here is a link to Dr Kylie Cairns’ work at the University of Sydney.

And lastly, for those that would like to read more about how important our precious Dingo is to our unique Australian ecosystem here is a link to the University of New South Wales showing the effects from satellite imaging.

Thank you Everyone!

P.S Liz has kindly suggested a way for our international followers to help by sending an email if it’s not too much to ask. Here is the details … thank you Liz ❤

[email protected]

Quote petition ref: EN5918
This goes to The House of Representatives.

posted by popayancityvy