Crows (Corvus sp.) distribution almost all over the world, strong clustering, a group of up to tens of thousands, complex behavior, a strong intelligence and social. It has a ferocious, aggressive and omnivorous character. Often prey on waterfowl, bird eggs, chicks, grains, berries, insects, carrion and so on.
Crow is the common name for about 25 species of black birds in the finch family Corvidae. More than 20 of the 45 species of the genus Corvus are known as "crows". All crows average body length of about 50 centimeters, most of the body feathers black or black and white, black feathers with violetblue metallic luster; wings far longer than the tail; beak, legs and feet pure black; nostrils rounded, usually covered by the feathered whiskers, nostrils from the forehead is about 1/3 of the length of the beak, the whiskers are hard and straight to reach the middle of the beak.