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Co-Stars Who Couldn't Stand Each Other Off Camera


Some of the best actors can create chemistry out of thin air. They are so good at their job that connecting with another actor becomes as easy as breathing. That skill comes in real handy when they are confronted with actors that have huge egos.

It’s not uncommon to read out about actors not getting along on set. In an ultracompetitive industry with huge ups and downs, insecurities tend to set in and sometimes manifest onset.

These actors created some of our favorite scenes in movies but when the camera stops rolling, they pick a corner and stay there. Here are costars that couldn’t stand each other offcamera.

#Stars #Actors #Movies

Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones | 0:00
Wesley Snipes and Ryan Reynolds | 1:12
Will Smith and Janet Hubert | 2:11
Tom Sizemore and Val Kilmer | 2:56
Robert Downey Jr. and Terrence Howard | 3:47

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posted by irridaFagni