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Controlling my Eddi directly from Home Assistant without their cloud API

Tomas McGuinness

In this video I install an Eddi relay and sensor board and connect it to a Shelly 1 so that I can stop and start the heater from Home Assistant without needing to use the myenergy cloud API at all!

The Eddi will enable and disable its heaters based on the state of the eSense input on the relay board. The Shelly 1 toggles the live, so we can control the heaters without starting or stopping the Eddi itself or using the API. This should be much more reliable and flexible.

I then setup an automation in NodeRed that stops my Eddi diverting excess solar once my Mixergy smart tank reports that it has 100% charge. When it drops to 95%, the Eddi heater will be reenabled and it can continue diverting if there is still excess solar.

The goal is to ensure we have a certain amount of hot water whilst maximizing the amount of exported excess. I think I'll end up configuring it to divert enough to fill half the tank. That would be enough for dishes and giving the kids a bath. I'll experiment and post another video a few weeks' time!

This was fun to get working, but I nearly threw that Shelly relay out the window because it was so flaky!

I'd love to find a way to get the charge details from my Mixergy without their Cloud API, but that's a project for another day!

Quick look at the Eddi Relay board:

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  / tomasmcguinness  

I was "recording" for about five minutes before I realised my phone had died!

I had some issues with the sound and you can tell as the quality improves once I have to charge my phone up. I don't think the first part of the video was recorded using my Rode Wireless microphone.

I also connected my NodeRed automation to my server's power control shelly, so I killed all the networking gear in the house three times before I realised what was wrong!

Just after recording, I accidentally ran sudo rm rf and wiped my home server. Thankfully I didn't lose my setup, but I did lose two years of data :( Back up!

posted by blogazonexz