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Contrast Corner Episode 1: Poison vs Venom


Hey gang, you're watching the first episode of a new series called Contrast Corner. I'm hoping you'll find the format enjoyable as I intend to make more in the future.

Here is the paper which I cite several times in the video:

Image Sources:
Rattlesnake | Definition, Habitat, Species, & Facts | Britannica
Poison Dart Frog | Rainforest Alliance (
The most venomous animals on Earth, ranked CNET
The venomous animals on your plate | Natural History Museum (
Poisonous Animal an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Golden poison frog Wikipedia
The Insane Biology of: The Poison Dart Frog (
Scientists learn secrets of spitting cobras (
Minibeasts with chemical superpowers | Feature | RSC Education
Adventures Of A Snake Milker: This Herd Has Fangs : NPR

posted by graanveldh4