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Color Your World With Kindness

BetterWorldians Foundation

Kindness is in short supply these days. Will you help make the world a better place? Are you a BETTERWORLDIAN?

First, watch our video: Color Your World With Kindness

This video launches our Campaign of Kindness across the country, a challenge for all people to share kindnesses with others. Small acts make a BIG difference, but the BIGGEST difference comes by doing kind acts for strangers—people you don’t know, people different than you, people with different backgrounds and even beliefs. Spread the love far and wide.

Visit our website and donate to help spread the word:

The world is as divisive as we’ve seen it, but one way to stem the tide of negativity is through kindness. The awardwinning social psychologist Dr. Barbara Fredrickson talks about “micromoments of positivity”, the short and fleeting daytoday experiences that have the power to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. A held door, a thumbsup, a happy glance—research shows these small kindnesses have a cumulative effect on our emotional health and wellbeing.

We’re asking you to take 5 seconds of your day and Be A BetterWorldian: Smile. Let someone in front of you. Pick up something that someone has dropped. Listen intently. Empathize. Share. Give. Be kind.

You can also help us spread the word by donating to BetterWorldians Foundation. Our mission is "Creating a Better World by Encouraging the Best in Everyone." With your support, we can make sure Color Your World With Kindness is seen across the country, encouraging people to help others, do good, and pay it forward. Donate now and we can make sure we keep the momentum going! Learn more about donations through YouTube at

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posted by otecko3i