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[Chinese Tech]China’s Chip Goddess Successfully Shut Americans up!|SMIC|chip|electronic devices

Auto Age


Hello everyone|this is The Developing China. Welcome to our Channel. Today|we will discuss a topic with you.
Today|let's focus on the issue of China’s Chip Goddess Successfully Shut Americans up! In today's world|whoever masters the core technology has a higher right to speak. This is exactly the case with semiconductors. For a long time in the past|the development of China's semiconductor industry has been in a bottleneck period|which was once questioned by many foreign experts. However|the appearance of the chip goddess Huang Qianqian made the United States successfully shut up. the chip goddess Huang Qianqian uses her achievements and works to help the development of Chinese technology and chip R & D.

Surprisingly|she has no experience of studying abroad. She was admitted to Peking University at the age of 17|obtained a doctorate at the age of 26|and was selected into the "Future Female Scientist Program" at the age of 28. In the same year|she became a doctoral tutor. She won the Tencent 3 million prize. Ane she was 30 years old and won the world scientific research award. She has not only won many honors and awards|but also has a deep sense of family and country. Her patriotic enthusiasm has been infecting students from generation to generation.

In order to prove that she can learn better knowledge in her motherland|she refused the invitation of famous foreign universities|and her experience tells us that China's higher education is not inferior to the West|and the motherland is fully capable of cultivating top international scientists |which also makes us more firmly believe that China has unlimited possibilities. Today|she has applied for more than 70 patents|and has obtained more than 10 international authorized patents and more than 40 domestic authorized patents. The scientific research level of nanoelectronics has risen to the forefront of the world. She is known as the "chip goddess" Huang Qianqian.

posted by o1i3n