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Child's Defense Against Madness: Personality Disorders (Schizotypy and Neoteny)

Prof. Sam Vaknin

Advantages of refusing to grow up (Puer Aeternus/Peter Pan): 1. I am a child, so I am harmless and vulnerable, don’t hurt me 2. I am a still a toddler, so I am helpless and hurting, care for me, help me, take care of my needs. This is an extreme example of neoteny.

Schizotypy is psychological neoteny. It involves regression to preself childhood, when the self is either not constellated or not integrated, boundaries are fuzzy, and there is a confusion between external and internal objects. Creativity and imagination are enhanced and predispose to fantasy.

When we combine the schizotypy model with the Five Factor model of personality, we find that Borderline, Narcissistic, Schizoid, Schizotypal, Paranoid, Secondary Psychopathy, and other personality disorders emerge naturally. It seems that personality defenses are defenses against schizophrenia and psychosis.

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