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Chef Wang shares with you: How to practice wok tossing with a small wok easy and practical

Chef Wang 美食作家王刚

Hi guys, today I want to share with you some techniques of wok tossing with a small wok. Since most families don't have big woks or burners, I hope these techniques can help you practice wok tossing at home. First, we don't need a wok towel for this. Just firmly grab the handle. Second, since there's no supporting point, we need to lift the wok above the stove. Finally, a summary of the process:
1. Keep the grabbing hand slightly higher than the other side of the wok. Move forward with constant speed.
2. At a certain point, quickly and forcefully lift the wok and pull it back simultaneously. Food will be tossed up due to inertia and then fall back into the wok.
3. During step 1 we can use a ladle to push the food forward. This helps with tossing.
The steps are basically the same for small or big woks. However, we can only toss so much without a supporting point. So don't overstrain yourself. Pace yourself and practice little by little. More importantly, only toss when necessary. Don't toss for the look of it, but rather the need of it.

1. 保持锅的手握一端微微高于另一端将锅匀速往正前方推。
2. 在适当位置迅速将锅的另一端抬起猛地拉回菜品因为惯性被抛起然后落回锅中。
3. 在上面1的过程中可以用炒勺推动菜品以增加菜品前推的速度使翻勺更加彻底。


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posted by Mbodjed2