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Cathy Lee Taylor 'Dancing with Death - A Life Transformed by Grace'

Life After Life Club Laguna Woods

"Dancing with Death A Life Transformed by Grace", Cathy Lee Taylor speaker. A live presentation followed by Q&A at 39:13.

Cathy will tell us about her NDE (Near Death Experience) and how it has affected her life. Her journey has been continuous exploration and growth, driven by a deep desire to help others realize their highest potential. She firmly believes that age is not a barrier to achieving one's dreams; rather, it presents a unique opportunity to redesign one's life in ways never thought possible.

Cathy Lee Taylor is a multifaceted individual who has excelled as an author, entrepreneur, podcaster, life and retirement coach, and marketer. Her passion lies in empowering women, especially those in their later years, to connect with their inner selves, tap into their life purpose, and live authentically.

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