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Cat Facts: Controversy 'ScottishFold Cat' (English polite terms with American beliefs)

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ScottishFold cat generally sweetnatured and caring, loyal, and undemanding, making them the perfect pet cat breed. This cat is a cross between an American and British shorthair cat.

so it is often considered to have "a sense of British manners along with American selfconfidence," The ScottishFold cat is a spontaneous mutation of a farm cat in Scotland. Here are some interesting facts about the Scottish Fold cat that you need to know, quoted from various sources.

Reporting from, the first Scottish Fold cat was a farm cat named Susie found at McRae near Coupar Angus, a town in Perth and Kinross, Scotland, in 1961. This white female female cat has unique and folded ears. Susie has a natural mutation in this breed, which she passes on to half of her kittens. In 1963, Susie produced two folded ear kittens.

A neighboring farmer named William Ross after seeing this unusual cat
recognize its potential as a new race. He then started breeding Susie's kittens Snooks, while consulting a geneticist. Sadly, Susie died after being hit by a car, but his daughter Snooks went on to live to perpetuate his lineage. On the advice of British geneticist Peter Dyte

Ross started the breeding program with using British Shorthairs and randomly bred domestics. William Ross soon realized that the gene that regulates folded ears is dominant

only one cat parent needs the gene to pass on this unique trait.
Each cat that has one copy of the fold gene produces about fifty percent of Scottish Fold kittens. In the same year. Ross family registers Scottish Fold cat them to The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF).

Scottish fold still has many interesting facts that need to be known. Anything??? Controversy About ScottishFold cats "a sense of British manners along with American selfconfidence,"

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01. Has many patterns and colors Same as cat breeds in general. The Scottish Fold has a

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Variety of fur patterns and colors, from black, blue, and shaded silver. Likewise the Scottish Fold's eyes can be of any color although they are usually copper in color.
Generally Scottish Folds have short and fine fur but there are several breeds of this cat that have long coats which some associations call the Highland Fold cat.

02. Born with straight ears Actually, Scottish fold cats are born with straight ears. The folds begin to develop when the kitten is between 18 and 24 days old. However, this only happens if the cat has the gene responsible for the fold. Most of the time, Scottish fold cat ears will stay straight, which in this case is known as the Scottish shorthairs cat breed.
In general, about 50 percent of kittens with a single mother Scottish fold will likely have folded ears, but the other 50 percent will not.

03. Can sit like a human Besides cute and adorable face Scottishfold cat facts next known because of his cute, sweet, and adorable personality.
Scottish Folds can act funny like sitting, standing or lying down in various funny positions like humans. In fact, these cats can sit on their thighs in the "Buddhist" position.

04. Not popular in Europe, but loved in America
The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF)—the UK's largest cat registry originally received Scottish Folds for display in 1966.
However, in 1971, the organization had stopped allowing pet owners to register the cats for worrying about physical deformities, ear mites and infections, and deafness. These concerns were ultimately unfounded, but to this day the cat is still not shown in Europe. However, this cat is so loved in America. In 1970, the Scottish Fold was crossing a pond when three kittens were sent to Neil Todd a New England scientist investigating spontaneous genetic mutations in cats.

Not only that.. Have a common ancestor Cats with folded ears date back to the 1700s. Scottish fold cats first appeared in the 1960s.
In 1961 in Perthshire, Scotland a kitten with folded ears was found in a cat litter box with ears not folded. The kitten's name is Susie. He was bred with other cats to develop offspring that eventually led to all Scottish fold cats having him as a common ancestor.
Personality ScottishFold cats are usually intelligent, shorttempered, softspoken, and adaptable with new people and situations. These cats will usually allow others to hug and pet them but the main bond will quickly become clear once they have chosen a human
choice to be the master. Scottish Fold cats need attention, but that attention must be given in their own way.
Even though they are loyal cats, these cats tend not to be spoiled
undemanding and usually prefers to be around you rather than being held on your lap or cuddled.

posted by valachmt