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Cat 101: Glaucoma in Cats

Kitten Life

Glaucoma is increased pressure within the eye. Cells inside the eye produce aqueous humor, a clear fluid, which maintains the shape of the eye and nourishes the tissues inside the eye. The balance of fluid production and drainage is responsible for maintaining normal pressure within the eye. With glaucoma, the drain becomes clogged and the eye keeps producing fluid. Therefore, the pressure in the eye increases and can cause the eye to stretch and enlarge, as well as blind the eye.

Primary glaucoma in most cats usually begins in one eye, but it eventually involves both eyes and leads to complete blindness. Secondary Glaucoma occurs when other eye diseases cause decreased fluid drainage. Common causes of secondary glaucoma are uveitis (inflammation inside the eye), advanced cataracts, cancer in the eye, lens subluxation or luxation, and chronic retinal detachment. Glaucoma in cats is usually secondary to chronic inflammation of the uveal tract (uveitis), which is the pigmented, vascular part of the eye. Determining if your cat has primary or secondary glaucoma is important because the treatment needed and the prognosis for vision are different for each type.

The only way to verify that your cat has glaucoma is to have the intraocular pressures measured by a veterinarian. Signs of glaucoma can include a red or bloodshot eye and/or a cloudy cornea; vision loss is also characteristic of glaucoma. However, loss of vision in one eye is often not obvious because animals compensate with their remaining eye. Eventually, the increased pressure will cause the eye to stretch and become enlarged. Unfortunately, eyes are usually permanently blind by the time they become enlarged.


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