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Can I Travel While in a Bankruptcy?

Debt Free in 30

Can I Travel While in a Bankruptcy? Debt Free In 30 A Personal Finance Podcast Ep 246 There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to the impact a bankruptcy filing will have on your life. One common misconception is that you cannot travel or leave the country if you file for bankruptcy, when in fact, you can. But, while you’re in a bankruptcy, there are certain duties and responsibilities you’ll need to carry out to complete the process. Some of these duties will require that you’re in Canada and others will not. On today’s podcast, Doug Hoyes and Licensed Insolvency Trustee Ian Martin dig deeper into bankruptcy and travelling myths and they explain when you would need to be physically present during your filing.

Helpful Reads:

Should You File Bankruptcy in Canada if Living Abroad?

posted by dzorevistarz