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Cameron Giovanelli u0026 Jack Trieber Exposed by Stacey Shiflett

Max Taylor

As a former student at Golden State Baptist College under Cameron Giovanelli the very academic year that the allegations came out, I can attest to the truthfulness of these accounts. This college has a long history of protecting sexual predators within their network of affiliates. It is sickening to me and repulsive to GOD.

It is high time that abuse in the church be called out and not swept under the rug. We live in a time when pastors are more concerned about protecting the wolves than the sheep they are called to watch over. It's time to expose and eliminate the wolves and meet the qualification of being "blameless."

I support the way Stacey Shiflett and Calvary Baptist Church of Dundalk, Maryland, have handled this situation, and my heart goes out to Sarah Jackson, Donna Hudson, and the many others who were wickedly exploited by Cameron Giovanelli.

If you have been the victim of abuse, please tell someone. Tell your parents, tell the police, tell the deacons at your church… And if the first person you tell doesn’t do anything, tell someone else, but please tell someone! It’s a vital step to help you heal from and find closure to the hurt you have endured.

To quote the book Wolves Among Lambs, “Any person in a position of power who uses that power to intimidate and manipulate someone under them is guilty of abuse — plain and simple.” This includes any unwarranted advances from someone in leadership over you, sexual innuendos from someone in leadership over you, and unwarranted attention (touches, hints, flirts, excessive gifts, manipulating events, joking to break down a persons barriers or resistance) from someone in leadership over you. If you have been the recipient of this type of harmful exploitation from a ministry leader, I want you to know that I believe you no matter who the preacher is or how widespread his ministry. The first step towards recovery is having the courage to tell someone. Please don’t hide what you know, your decision to speak out could protect others from the same hurt you have felt. God knows what you are going through and He can give you the strength to seek help from those of us who care.

00:00 First Coast News report, posted August 9, 2019
00:40 WJZ news report, posted August 30, 2019
01:19 Cameron Giovanelli July 4th video, posted July 4, 2018
02:21 North Valley Baptist Church official statement, posted May 16, 2018
04:22 Stacey Shiflett original response video, posted May 18, 2018
07:55 First Coast News report, posted August 9, 2019
08:10 North Florida Baptist College intro, posted later 2018
08:17 Berean Publications advertisement, posted later 2018
08:46 Cameron Giovanelli in Jacksonville, FL, posted later 2018
13:53 Jack Trieber “I am not covering up sin,” posted in 2020
15:00 Jack Trieber “we never cover up a crime,” posted in 2020
20:11 WJZ news report, posted January 6, 2020
21:07 Stacey Shiflett “Taking Away the Reproach,” preached December 11, 2019
25:25 Cameron Giovanelli singing at Harvest Baptist Church, June 19, 2022
25:51 Pastor Marvin Smith III at Harvest Baptist Church, April 28, 2022
27:49 Harvest Baptist Bible College, posted June 21, 2017
28:51 Stacey Shiflett “We are all tired of it!” video, posted August 20, 2019
39:10 Stacey Shiflett official statement to his church, December 5, 2019

29:37 Some of the best statements in this video

posted by prosetejapk