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Các loại cảm biến lượng tử được sử dụng trong công nghệ dẫn đường lượng tử của Infleqtion


Details of Infleqtion's quantum navigation technology:
Quantum sensors:

Infleqtion uses different types of quantum sensors to measure natural force fields, including:Interferometer: Measures minute differences in the phase of light waves to determine the device's position.
Quantum magnetometer: Measures the Earth's magnetic field with high accuracy.
Quantum accelerometer: Measures the device's acceleration.
Types of quantum sensors used in Infleqtion's quantum navigation technology:
1. Interferometer:

Works on the principle of interference of light waves.
Measure the small difference in phase of two light beams to determine the device's position with high accuracy.
There are many different types of interferometers, but Infleqtion uses one that uses a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) to create beams of light and measure their phase differences.

Compact size and lightweight.
Less energy consumption.
Can be mass produced at low cost.
2. Quantum magnetometer:

Measure the Earth's magnetic field with much greater accuracy than traditional magnetometers.
Using quantum mechanical effects to measure magnetic fields.
There are many different types of quantum magnetometers, but Infleqtion can use one that uses SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device).

High sensitivity.
Operates over a wide temperature range.
Can resist interference.
3. Quantum accelerometer:

Measure the device's acceleration with high accuracy.
Uses quantum mechanical effects to measure acceleration.
There are different types of quantum accelerometers, but Infleqtion probably uses one that uses a MachZehnder interferometer.

Compact size and lightweight.
Less energy consumption.
Can be mass produced at low cost.
Combination of sensors:

Infleqtion uses a combination of data from different quantum sensors to determine the device's location with greater accuracy.
For example, an interferometer can be used to measure horizontal position, while a quantum magnetometer can be used to measure vertical position.
Quantum accelerometers can be used to measure device movement, helping to improve the accuracy of position measurements.

Quantum sensor technology is still being developed.
However, Infleqtion is making significant progress in developing compact, lowcost, and highperformance quantum sensors.
This could lead to more widespread deployment of quantum navigation technology in the future.


Infleqtion uses advanced algorithms to combine data from quantum sensors with other information, such as motion data and map data, to determine a device's location with high accuracy. .
These algorithms include:Kalman filter: Combines measurements from different sensors to estimate the device's position and velocity.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM): Creates a map of the device's surroundings and uses it to determine the device's location.
Machine learning: Use data from test flights to improve the accuracy and performance of algorithms.

Greater accuracy: Infleqtion's quantum navigation system can provide much greater accuracy than GPS, especially in areas with weak or nonexistent GPS signals.
Greater reliability: Quantum navigation systems do not rely on satellites, so they are resistant to cyber attacks and electronic interference.
Works in any environment: Quantum guidance systems can operate in any environment, including underground and in highrise buildings.
Energy efficient: Quantum navigation systems consume less energy than GPS systems.

Aviation: Provides precise positioning and navigation for aircraft, especially in situations where GPS does not work, such as when flying over polar regions or in canyons.
Defense: Provides positioning and navigation for military vehicles, such as submarines and tanks.
Selfdriving vehicles: Provides precise positioning and navigation for selfdriving vehicles, especially in poor weather conditions or in areas with weak GPS signals.
Robot: Provides positioning and navigation for robots, such as rescue robots and mining robots.
Agriculture: Provides positioning and navigation for agricultural machinery, such as tractors and harvesters.
Infleqtion's quantum navigation technology is still in the early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we navigate the world. Infleqtion is one of the leading companies in the field and they are making significant progress in developing a practical quantum guidance system.

posted by nadroddiik