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Business Number | BIN Number | Corporate Number - What is a Business Number?

Ontario Business Central

Searching for your Ontario Business Number or Ontario Corporate Number but don’t know where to look? Look no further, Ontario Business Central has got you!

In this video, we explain what a cra business number (bn number) is, how your business identification number or corporate number varies based on the type of business you run (registered or incorporated) and why a business number or corporate number is important for your business. We show you exactly where you can locate these business identifier numbers on your legal documents and how to request these documents if required.

A BN number is a tax account number with Canada Revenue Agency that can be attached to either a Master Business Licence (MBL) or an Incorporation.

The Business Identification Number or BIN, is a 9 digit number issued to all business owners who start a Master Business Licence in Ontario, such as a Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership or Trade Name.

It is important to note that the BN number with a Master Business Licence (MBL) is only applicable if you set up an HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) or CRA program accounts.

An incorporated business is automatically assigned a BN number for the corporate tax account.

A corporate number is a 7 digit number that is assigned when you incorporate a business in Canada. A corporate number is attached to the incorporation, whether you have a named or numbered corporation.

Where can you locate these numbers? Great question!

If you have a copy of your business registration (MBL), your Business Identification Number, or BIN, is located on this document in the middle of the page.

If you do not have a copy of your Master Business License, Ontario Business Central can provide you with a replacement copy in just a few easy steps. All you have to do is provide us with the business name and we can perform a search in the business registries system and either provide you with a BIN number via email or provide you with a document replica.

If you have incorporated a company and are looking to find your 7 digit Corporate Number, the easiest place to find this is on the Articles of Incorporation document. If you filed your Articles of Incorporation manually, the Corporate Number is on the top right hand corner of the certificate page.

If you filed your Articles of Incorporation electronically online, the Corporate Number is in the middle of the certificate page, just under the Corporate Name.

What happens if you don’t have a copy of your Articles of Incorporation? Here at Ontario Business Central, we have access to a number of different business registries databanks. Once you provide us with your corporate business name, we can quickly and easily search these in order to provide you with your corporate number.

If you need a copy of your Articles of Incorporation or your Master Business License, you can access these through our website.

Document Replica for Master Business Licence is $54.94
Copy of your Articles of Incorporation is $75.89

If you require your business number BN, you will need to contact the Canada Revenue Agency at 18009595525.

Obtain the business identification number or corporate number (without ordering a copy of the documents) on our website for $10.00 plus HST.

Ontario Business Central Inc. has assisted entrepreneurs to incorporate and register their business in Canada for over 25 years. We also offer a wide range of services that include changing details of either your registered or incorporated business, cancelling or dissolving a business, searching for an existing business, as well as assisting to register your domain name.

This is one of several videos in a series to help you start your business. Other videos you may find helpful include:

Changing Your Business Address in Ontario:
   • Changing Your Business Address In Ont...  

Change The Name of Your Ontario Corporation:
   • Change the Name of Your Ontario Corpo...  

We have a number of blogs that are meant to assist you with locating and obtaining your Business Number or Corporate Number and a number of blogs related to business registration, incorporating a business, changing your business, CRA programs, explaining how to create a podcast, harmonized sales tax support, corporation income tax and so much more.

The information provided in this video is specifically designed to assist and in no way shall be considered as legal advice.

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