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Building a Super Compact HF Go Kit

AA3K On The Go

I built a compact QRP HF amateur radio go kit for portable radio operating when even my FT817 gear is too much to carry. Based around a (tr)uSDX transceiver and a endfed halfwave antenna, the kit has everything needed to get on the air while weighing less than three pounds. Perfect for POTA, SOTA, WWFF or just playing some ham radio while on the road.

Items purchased (no affiliation or sponsorships):
Etsy www.etsy.com Search for name strip
KM4ACK https://km4ack.square.site/s/shop
(tr)uSDX https://newdiytech.com
Pouch https://amazon.com/dp/B0CH9Y922P
Wire https://amazon.com/dp/B072829WN7
Charger & batteries https://amazon.com/dp/B0B21FX773
Power plug https://amazon.com/dp/B081TYG48P
K6ARK EFHW https://amazon.com/dp/B0CLMC159B
$25 paddle eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/314906448625
Tent peg WalMart camping section

posted by Torlettinx