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Build your OFFLINE Presence: Step 3

Carly Burr

I'm letting you in on everything i’ve learned about building an offline presence over the past nearly 9 years as well as what i’m currently learning along my way.

Building my offline presence is the umbrella for what i’ve done to help me stay offline for coming up on 9 years this August! It’s been my main focus and mission in my life to live it in a way that is fulfilling enough offline to not need to go on social media to connect with people, or receive validation for my life and my choices.

Over the next 4 weeks i’ll be breaking down the 4 main areas that make up my offline presence and this you guys is meant to go beyond the listen! You’ll be challenged in each episode to take specific action to get you active in growing your offline presence, starting today!


Join the movement & connect with others on a mission to embrace life offline in my FREE community here:

Let's connect offline through my letter I call, "T.O.D" aka the offline diaries.
Join my letter here:'>

posted by eldepo7w