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Build A MERN Finance Dashboard App | Machine Learning Typescript React Node MUI Deployment


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Build a MERN Finance Dashboard App that has Machine Learning Predictions. The frontend will consist of Vite for our starter application, Redux Toolkit for state management, Material UI for our component library, and Recharts for our Charts. For the backend we will be using Node Js as our runtime, Express Js as our backend framework, and MongoDB for our database.

node: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
npx: https://www.npmjs.com/package/npx
vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
nodemon: https://github.com/remy/nodemon
vite: https://vitejs.dev/guide/
react router: https://reactrouter.com/en/v6.3.0/get...
react dropzone: https://github.com/reactdropzone/rea...
redux toolkit: https://reduxtoolkit.js.org/introduc...
redux toolkit query: https://reduxtoolkit.js.org/rtkquer...
regression: https://github.com/tomalexander/regr...
mui: https://mui.com/materialui/gettings...
mui data grid: https://mui.com/x/api/datagrid/data...
recharts: https://recharts.org/enUS/
flexbox guide: https://csstricks.com/snippets/css/a...
css grid cheatsheet: https://grid.malven.co/
data model diagram: https://lucid.app/lucidchart/23d63d3a...)
redux dev tools: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de...
pesticide extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/de...
fly io node: https://fly.io/docs/languagesandfra...
vercel: https://vercel.com/
docker: https://www.docker.com/products/docke...

Completed Code:
github: https://github.com/edroh/financeapp
github theme: https://github.com/edroh/financeapp...
github data: https://github.com/edroh/financeapp...

0:00 Build a Complete Finance App Dashboard that has ML Predictions
5:20 Basic and Frontend Installations
20:33 MUI Configurations and Themes
33:50 React Router and Navigation
59:00 Dashboard Layout
1:30:05 Redux Toolkit Setup and Configuration
1:39:40 Backend Installations
1:45:40 MongoDB Installation and Setup
1:54:08 Data Modeling
1:57:00 Key Performance Indicators Route
2:18:43 Recharts and Key Performance Indicators UI
3:03:37 Products UI and API
3:46:52 Transactions UI and API
4:37:20 Predictions and Machine Learning
5:10:18 Deployment of Application
5:22:21 Fully Complete Finance Machine Learning AI App Dashboard

This video was sponsored by Brilliant.
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Who is EdRoh? I'm a lead engineer for a publicly traded company and have been developing for a decade now.

posted by Pollace9e