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bringing home my 8 week old golden retriever puppy! (first days)

Lauryn Willkomm

bringing home my 8 week old golden retriever puppy! (first days)

s u b s c r i b e
i n s t a g r a m   / lauryndoan  
a m a z o n s t o r e f r o n t
m e r c h

w h a t ' s t h i s v i d e o a b o u t ? this is my bringing home my 8 week old golden retriever puppy! (first days) VLOG! THE VLOG THAT I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO UPLOAD. here we go, here's a fun journey to look forward to!!

remember to leave me a C O M M E N T down below so we can chat! I read ALL my comments and respond to most :)

p r o d u c t l i n k s
✰ devotional
✰ bible
✰ colorful brush pens
✰ macbook leopard skin
✰ leopard dot apple watch band

f i l m i n g e q u i p m e n t
✰ camera
✰ white hand tripod
✰ laptop adapter
✰ macbook

o u t f i t / j e w e l r y l i n k s
✰ short gold chain
✰ chunky gold hoops
✰ diamond mini ear cuffs

✰ If you LOVE lifestyle videos, this is the channel for YOU! ✰
Thank you so much for watching my newest video. Make sure to check out my channel for more videos just like this one, and many many more. Every one of you mean the entire world to me and I couldn't thank you enough for all of your support! Share this video with your friends, fam, dog, and second cousins, because it really helps me out!

e m a i l [email protected]

s u b c o u n t 138,330

p . o . b o x (if you want to send me something!!!)
P.O. Box 212764⠀
Chula Vista, CA. 91921

f a q s
✰ how old are you? 21
✰ where do you go to college? PLNU!
✰ what are you studying in college? Child & Adolescent Development!
✰ what camera do you use? Canon M50!
✰ where do you live? San Diego, CA!
✰ what do you edit your vids on? FCPx

I love you all so much!

#goldenretrieverpuppy #gettingapuppy #goldenretriever #bringingmygoldenretrieverhome

posted by FeantOffeno6y