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Brief introduction of the breed of opium

Pets TV

Boomila cat (details)Pomila cat, also known as the Pomeranian cat, the Latin name for Burmilla. The breed of cats was born in Britain in 1981 and successfully exhibited after two years. After the exhibition, the Mouira cat immediately aroused widespread concern. In fact, the birth of the Pomeranian cat from a beautiful combination lavender Burmese cat and silver Kim Jila long hair cat "illegitimate child", the birth of the child is the original popa cat.The original Mouira cat was cultivated by the Baroness of the British Miranda von Kickberg, and in order to give the Momi La cat a better quality, Charles and Trichet Clark would have another striped The cat combined with the original Pomeranian cat, eventually evolving into the current Mouira cat. The ancestors of the Momira cats are the kinka cat and the Burmese cats, so they have both the advantages of both cats, such as the beauty of the Chinchilla cat and the friendly of the Burmese cats, so many people are working with the rami cat Contact for some time after they will put it down.Looking aBrief introduction of the breed of opiumround, you may find that no one is raising such a cat, it is because although the Mouira cat in foreign countries by a lot of cat's attention, but in the country has not yet formed a popular climate, so if you Interested in this cat, then you certainly need to spend some effort to see a Pomilla cat.

posted by agnespoesienh