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Bobcat Avery Visits With Kittens

Modest Maker

Avery has been raising three kittens in our yard since April 24, 2023. I haven't shared this publicly since I wanted her to feel as safe as possible during her brief stay in our yard. Yesterday (6/3/2023), I watched Avery gently take her kittens by the nape to a new location so I figured it's okay to share a few clips now that she's moved on and hopefully in a safer place.

My sincerest thanks to Bobcats in Tucson (BIT) for their guidance on how to peacefully share my yard with Avery's family and for the loan of the wildlife camera. For those concerned about bobcats, all our encounters with Avery and her kittens were positive and respectful which likely contributed to her staying for so long in our yard.

We have gigabytes of amazing videos capturing the development of these magnificent animals this past month and how we interacted with them over time, mostly by giving them space and not engaging. I hope to work with Bobcats in Tucson on telling the story which we'll share at a later date. More details on Avery from last year are available here:

posted by urezanom13