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Better than pizza! Just pour eggs on the tortilla and you'll be amazed at the results!

Eating at home

Welcome to my channel! Today, I've prepared some amazing recipes for you using tortillas, all cooked on a skillet and sure to delight you with their incredible taste!

Three types of tortillas three incredible recipes!


00:01 Recipe #1

Olive oil
2 tortillas of a suitable size for your pan
5 eggs
Black pepper to taste
Salt to taste
A bunch of parsley
100 grams of mozzarella cheese
2 tomatoes

05:20 Recipe #2

2 tortillas
Fresh parsley
50 g mozzarella
2 eggs
2 tbsp tomato sauce
50 g salami
1 tomato
Salt and black pepper to taste

10:31 Recipe #3

2 eggs
Bell pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Green onions
10 g butter
Mozzarella cheese
2 slices of cheese
Sausage or bacon

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posted by phileasblogsh