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Bernese Mountain Dog Grooming

Chihu Life

Grooming your Bernese Mountain Dog is not all about making your dog look attractive, although there's nothing wrong with that.

When you groom your Bernese or any dog for that matter, you're delivering essential health benefits and ensuring the wellbeing of your dog.

Bernese has an amazinglooking coat with vibrant colors, but that will only shine through when your dog's coat is clean and in top condition. As well as the best nutrition and plenty of fresh air and exercise, grooming is an excellent way to ensure your Berne Mountain Dg's coat and skin stay in the best possible condition.

Why Is Grooming Your Bernese Important?

As we mentioned, grooming your Bernese is not just about keeping your dog looking neat and tidy; there are other more essential reasons for grooming a Bernese. Dogs, as we know, are covered in fur or hair, yet the dog's skin needs to breathe and have access to fresh air.

When your Bernese's coat is full of mats and tangles, it prevents the air from reaching the dog's skin; this has a negative effect and can cause the skin to become red and irritated. Naturally, if this happens, your dog will start scratching to ease the irritation, making matters much worse.

When your Bernese gets wet, dampness can work its way through the thick, tangled hair and keep the skin constantly damp. When this happens, it will result in eczema and skin infections, either bacterial or fungal. Once again, this results in a lot of misery for your dog.

Grooming provides you the opportunity to get up close to the dog's skin and coat. This is crucial because you can now tell if your dog has picked up any sharp objects between the paw pads, thorns, or other foreign objects. In addition, you can also check over the dog's entire body to make sure they haven't snagged on something that's working its way to the dog's skin, for example, thorns, etc.

Lumps and strange bumps can suddenly appear on a dog's body unless owners are particularly diligent. As you're brushing your Bernese, you can feel over the dog's body.

It's incredible, no matter how careful you are; dogs always seem to manage to pick up external parasites such as ticks and fleas. So grooming your Bernese gives you the ideal opportunity to ensure that your dog hasn't picked up any unwanted hitchhikers.

Naturally, regular treatments against these parasites are for the dogs and everyone who lives with the dog's best interests.

Ticks can be a nasty problem through certain times of the year, but fleas are an issue all year. Once they get into your carpets and furnishings, you have the devil of the job getting rid of them. In addition, fleas are also the halfway home to tapeworms, so if you discover fleas on your Bernese, you will need to treat your dog for tapeworm as well.

No one wants to spend their time untangling mats every time you come to brush your Bernes. So regular brushing two to three times each week will prevent this, which means less time spent brushing.

Bernese shed a lot of hair, especially during spring and fall when they blow their coat. Regular brushing helps to reduce the amount of hair fall around the home. A pet vacuum is something you'll need to consider because it won't be easy to pick up so much hair. However, brushing will be a massive help.

Benefits Of Grooming For The Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese also gain a lot from being regularly groomed, for example:

Brushing helps stimulate the dog's skin and underlying blood vessels.

Tangles and mats are painful for your dog. You'll be helping your Bernese feel a lot more comfortable with life in general.

If you own more than one dog, not necessarily another Bernese, one to one attention that grooming offers is a fantastic bonding experience for you and your dog.


There are untold benefits to grooming your Bernese Mountain Dog; we have only touched on the area of the dog’s coat. However, grooming also entails taking care of the dogs, teeth, nails, and ears. You will need to pay attention to all these areas to ensure you keep your Bernese in the best of health and, of course, to avoid vet visits that you shouldn’t have needed to make.

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Grooming Salon:


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posted by sessescatry65