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Ask the Java Architects By Sharat Chander Alan Bateman Stuart Marks Viktor Klang Brian Goetz


Java 21 has now arrived. This release builds on the continuous innovation momentum since Java 10. It introduces advancements in Project Amber, Project Loom, Project Panama and many more areas. In this staple session at Devoxx Belgium, connect with Java luminaries from Oracle and have your Java questions addressed.

Viktor is a software architect in the Java Platform Group at Oracle.
In his professional career, spanning over more than two decades, he has focused on enabling developers to solve problems with maximal productivity without sacrificing maintainability.
Specializing in developer ergonomics in the realm of concurrent, parallel, and distributed programming; he has contributed to the standard libraries of several major programming languages, been involved in more than a dozen Open Source projects, and has spoken at numerous conferences and universities.

Brian Goetz is the Java Language Architect at Oracle and was the specification lead for JSR335 (Lambda Expressions for the Java Programming Language). He is the author of Java Concurrency in Practice and over 75 articles about Java development.

Sharat Chander has worked in the IT industry for over 25 years for firms including Bell Atlantic, Verizon, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. His background and technical specialty is in Java development tools, graphics design, and product/community management. Sharat has been actively involved in the Java community for over 20 years, helping drive greater Java awareness, acceptance, adoption, and advocacy. As Oracle’s senior director of Java Developer Engagement, Sharat served as the JavaOne conference content chairperson for 10 years, driven the technical content strategy and Java community involvement in multiple outreach channels, and continues to drive Java community loyalty program for Oracle. He is a frequent keynote speaker and participant in developer programs worldwide. Sharat holds a BS in corporate finance from the University of Maryland and an MBA in international business from Loyola College, Maryland. You can often find Sharat at global developer events and Java community meetups. When not growing visibility for Java, he follows his passion for baseball, actively coaching Little League teams and fanatically following his hometown Baltimore Orioles. You can find Sharat on Twitter at:   / sharat_chander  

Alan Bateman is an engineer in the Java Platform Group at Oracle. Alan has worked on many areas of the JDK including Virtual Threads, the Java Module System, the modularization of the JDK itself, and the core libraries and APIs. He previously worked on many of the tool and profiling APis including the JSR163 implementation and other serviceability features. Alan is currently focused on "Project Loom", the project setup in OpenJDK to explore, and developer Java VM features and APIs for the purpose of supporting easytouse, highthroughput lightweight concurrency and new programming models on the Java platform.

Stuart Marks is the JDK Core Libraries project lead in the Java
Platform Group at Oracle. His areas of expertise include Collections,
Lambdas, and Streams. As his alter ego "Dr Deprecator" he also works
on Java's deprecation mechanism. Stuart previously worked on JavaFX
and Java ME at Sun Microsystems. He has over thirty years of software
platform product development experience in the areas of window
systems, interactive graphics, payments, and mobile and embedded
systems. Stuart holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and a
Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University.

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