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ArmA 3 - Counter-Rocket Artillery Mortar System in Action - Shooting Down Jets - Phalanx CIWS - Sim

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ArmA 3 CounterRocket Artillery Mortar System in Action Shooting Down Jets Phalanx CIWS Simulation

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The CRAM (CounterRocket Artillery Mortar) system and CIWS (Close In Weapon System) use a 20mm gatling cannon to destroy incoming targets. With the wide array of sensors and computers, these turrets can pinpoint the location of where incoming enemy fire is coming from.

This Video is an created Simulation in ArmA3!

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I love to make these simulation videos for you and I am happy that you all like them a lot! The graphics of Arma are very good, it almost looks like in real life. Rather simulations than real war!
I definitely don't want to give the impression that I glorify war, I am just a enthusiastic gamer.
The weapon systems are of course used differently in real life, but I am happy to educate you about these weapons systems, many do not even know that they exist.

"This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s."
"Copyright © 2020 Bohemia Interactive a.s. All rights reserved."
"See for more information."

posted by Noaccoii