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Aquarius🌟You're way out of their league. They enjoy making things difficult for you.

Reading Room Tarot

It is up to you to determine if this reading is meant for you or not. You are responsible for all decisions that you make. I tend to give guidance based on each reading, and my intention is always to encourage you to pursue what is best for you. I do not do readings about anyone under 18 years old. If you have any serious mental issues that make it difficult for you to stay grounded in reality, I advise that you dismiss yourself from my channel. None of the readings I post are directed toward you specifically, as they are all general and public for many to enjoy and benefit from. While many of us do believe in the power of tarot, it's important to remember that it's not scientifically provable and should be considered Entertainment.

I will not fall victim to any person who engages in stalking behavior or online harassment. If you wish to contact me you have 3 options: 1) leave a comment, 2) add me on Discord, 3) message me on AstroSeek. If I do not reply or if I deny your request, do not keep reaching out. If at any point you find yourself developing an obsession with me where there are feelings and/or attraction involved, you should just tell me right away so I can either accept you or reject you. You need to be able to answer questions honestly about yourself, including giving me your birth chart info. I will question you and if you answer anything not to my liking I will reject you immediately and I do not care how you feel about it. I have very high standards and I do not need you in my life. I can't stand people having feelings for me when I do not feel the same, so if I reject you I expect you to move on. Trust me, rejection is not your worst enemy wasted time is. Don't harbor resentment toward anyone who rejects you either, they're doing you a huge favor by setting you free to find who's meant for you.

That being said, I hope you all enjoy your time in this community I've created and that all is well in your world. Peace.

posted by averyw12q1