There are some interesting facts about American Curl that you need to know. It is started from the two kittens that were found in California, USA in 1981 as the stray cats. Then the cats are housed by a couple. Then this breed is known just like today. And in 1983, there was a first exhibition for the cat show. This cat had already captured all of hearts of all cat lovers. And till today, the American curl kittens for sale are still catching more attention including from you.
The origin of this cat is from California, USA just like the story told you about. The size of American Curl is small to medium. For the coat type, it has short and long hair. For grooming, you just need occasionally groom it if it has short hair and twice a week for the long hair. It has average level for the talkativeness. And for the activity, it has high level. This cat needs high attention. For the overall description, this cat is moderately obedient.
This American Curl has some physical characters that differentiate it to others. These cats have curled ears. The ears are caused by natural genetic mutation. You will see the kittens have straight ears when they are born firstly. And after two until ten days, you will see the ears begin to curl. When it turns 16 weeks, the ears will not curl for any longer. Yup, the obvious character of this cat is from the curled ears. It will get mature after it is older than 2 years.
For the American curl personality, this cat is known with some characters such as energetic, curious, and affectionate. This American Curl is also intelligent. It is not an overly vocal cat type. It will just tell you when it needs you for something or attention. This cat can easily adapt to any home situation. So, you don’t need to be hard to make this cat feel comfortable in their new home when you just house this cat.
For grooming and caring, it depends on the hair length. And make sure if this American Curl will not need an often time to take a bath. Just occasionally to keep the fur healthy and strong. What you need to understand here is about the curled ears. The ears can be damaged or hurt. This is what you need to be careful in caring this cat.