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Amantadine for ADHD

Dr. John Kruse

Experts list amantadine as one of the third tier medication options for treating ADHD behind the stimulants and FDA approved treatments like Strattera (atomoxetine) and Intuniv (guanfacine). Amantadine is most commonly used as a dopamine boosting agent used to treat Parkinson’s disease.

A handful of studies have shown that amantadine can help impulsivity, aggression, and attention in ADHD. All of the subjects have been children or adolescents. Side effects from amantadine tend to be mild (headache, decreased appetite). The medication is inexpensive because its a generic. Amantadine can be used alone to treat ADHD, or can be combined with stimulants. It appears to help some individuals who did not benefit from, or could not tolerate first and second tier agents.

Amantadine interacts with a number of different brain receptors, and its mechanism of action is unclear. It was actually first used as an antiviral agent to combat influenza A.


Amantadine for the treatment of childhood and adolescent psychiatric symptoms (2021)

OpenLabel Amantadine in Children with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2007)

Amantadine versus methylphenidate in children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, doubleblind trial (2010)

Emerging drugs for the treatment of attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (2020)


Psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and author John Kruse, MD, PhD presents practical, actionable, wellresearched information about treatment options that scientists and clinicians recommend for adult ADHD and other mental health conditions. Subscribe if you're curious about how neuroatypical brains can optimize their functioning in our shared, and somewhat strange, world.

Dr. Kruse has posted talks in both the "live" and the "video" sections of this channel. Thumbnails on ADHD topics have a pink background, and those on more general mental health topics have a purple background. A small collection of ADHDTrump videos have an orange background.

You're welcome to email him with topics you want discussed, people you think he should interview, or if you would prefer a time for the weekly YouTube Live option other than Tuesdays at 6:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time).

posted by latiteclownd3