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Alpha Waves to Study | Frequency to Improve Focus and Concentration | Release serotonin

Joga Pro Universo | Jéssica Denz

Life is full of hustle and bustle, and when trying to take care of everything, we can end up forgetting to take care of ourselves. Unfortunately, the feeling of discomfort and restlessness has not been uncommon today.

But know that through our frequencies it is possible to change the brain waves that generate certain feelings in our mind, and change them in a certain way, creating a feeling of comfort and clarity.

Music for concentration and intelligence boosting can induce a calming effect that can help you get heightened focus faster. Also, music activates the two hemispheres of the brain that can maximize learning and improve memory.

Therefore, when studying or performing some work that needs to access your maximum potential, use this frequency to be able to concentrate better.

Our music is professionally composed to align your senses and bring a sense of calm into your busy life. We specialize in Relaxation Music, Solfeggio Frequency, Mindfulness Meditation Music, Chakra Music, White Noise, Meditation Music, Soft Music, Healing Music, Binaural Beats, Ambient Music, Zen Music, Sleep Music, Music Concentration, Instrumental Music, etc.

Listening to meditation music regularly can help expand your aura. Also, it can release all negativity and aid in spiritual cleansing, giving you a sense of inner peace and satisfaction in life.

Find a place that is comfortable and free of distractions. Tracks must be listened to daily for at least 30 minutes. For best results, use your headphones to ensure the rhythm matches and generates a whole brain sync for your reprogramming.

Play for the Universe
Jessica Denz

Important Links:

FREE Numerological Mini Map:
Complete Numerological Map:
‍ Training in Esoteric Holistic Therapist33 Techniques:
"Magic Combo" EBook:
PDF Magic Check of the Universe + EBook "The Science of Getting Rich" (FREE):
Challenge Change Your Mind and Lose Weight in 19 Days:
EBook "In an Abusive Relationship with Anxiety":


→ Instagram Jessica Denz:   / jessicadenz  
→ Instagram Play Pro Universe:   / leida.atracao  
→ Group on Facebook:   / jogaprouniverso  


#ondasalfa #sonsbinaurais #alpha

posted by fainiaorierseem