This is a continuation of coverage from this morning with Beau incubating the egg for the first time. In my previous video, I showed Beau coming to the nest at 7am and rolling and incubating the egg for an hour. This footage begins with him taking a ten minute break and returning to incubate the egg. He went right to the egg and aerated around it and incubated like he has been doing this for a long time! He looked like a pro!
Beau sat on the egg for an hour and a half, then got up to aerate around it and roll the egg. He did pull up some moss and cover it lightly and then returned to incubating it. Another hour and a half goes by and Beau gets up and flies off the nest and from cam 2 we can't see the egg with the moss on top of it. Gabby returns and goes right to the egg and incubates it. When she gets up to take a break we can see the egg with some moss on top of it! ♥ This was an important day for Beau hitting this important milestone in learning how to incubate an and for 4 hours in total today! Every day is exciting to see what new things are in store for our eagle couple! Thank you for watching!
Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
Courtesy of AEF NEFL American Eagle Foundation Eagles .org