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AEF NEFL ~ Beau Just Wants To Mate While Gabby Searches For Her Egg To Incubate! 12.22.23

Lady Hawk

The footage begins with Gabby on the nest looking for her egg. She pulls up that wet moss (the egg is buried right below it) and is sort of confused as her instincts are to incubate the egg she laid but she can't find it. Beau comes to the nest and he does his tail swishing. Gabby is softly cooing and is receptive to mating but alas, Beau seemed to finish on the nest so he had no need to hop on her back Poor Gabby! They then move some nesting and Beau stays on the nest for several minutes, When he departs, Gabby ends up incubating in a spot where the egg is buried beneath her.

Gabby did not lay a 2nd egg today which is something we were watching out for. It is possible she could lay a 2nd egg sometime tomorrow. The egg is not buried too deep in the nest she should be able to dig it up if she does what Beau did and pulls the moss up and away.

Gabby & Beau are just not in sync as a couple at this time. Beau is young and inexperienced and only wants to mate and bring in sticks/moss he is not ready to incubate the egg, he does not have the hormones directing him to do that right now. No fault or blame on him at all it is just the way it is. I think if Gabby had hooked up with A1 or any other experienced male then this sort of thing would not have happened (Beau burying the egg). I do think that given time, Gabby & Beau can develop a deeper bond and be more in sync. If not then we will see this repeat itself. First time partners and potential parents can be challenging to watch. I have seen many failed nests with a first time Dad or Mom so I am not really surprised at this situation. But I did have hope that Beau's instincts to incubate would kick in. ♥ We will see what tomorrow will bring! Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Courtesy of AEF NEFL American Eagle Foundation Eagles. org

posted by clubremby