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Adopted Kitten are Getting Cuter Friendlier and Happier Staying at home Klik Meong šŸ˜»

Klik Meong Stories

Si Anak Kucing Adopsi Semakin Lucu, Ramah dan Senang Tinggal di Rumah Klik Meong
Klik Meong
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Yuki, the domesticcat that we adopted the other day, started to like playing in the house. Previously, Yuki, the little cat, preferred to be on the second floor. This time Yuki became more familiar at Klik Meong house and made friends with the other cats.
Hopefully those who watch this video like it and are entertained, hopefully it's useful. Thank you for watching.

(Thank you for pressing the SUBSCRIBE button as support for the development of this channel. Good luck)
Yuki si kucing kampung yang kami adopsi tempo hari mulai suka bermain di dalam rumah. Sebelumnya Yuki si kucing kecil ini lebih suka di lantai dua. Kali ini Yuki makin familiar di rumah Klik Meong dan berteman dengan kucingkucing lainnya.
Semoga yang menonton video ini suka dan terhibur, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih sudah menonton.

(Terima kasih yang telah menekan tombol SUBSCRIBE sebagai dukungan untuk perkembangan channel ini. Semoga berkah)

Yuki story seriesvideos :
Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā WantingĀ toĀ Play,Ā theĀ LittleCatĀ YukiĀ ...Ā Ā 
Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā LookĀ atĀ YukiĀ !!Ā WhyĀ isĀ theĀ KittenĀ Hid...Ā Ā 
Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā AtĀ First,Ā YukiĀ theĀ AdoptedKittenĀ was...Ā Ā 
Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā CuteĀ YukiĀ !!Ā TheĀ LittleĀ DomesticCatĀ ...Ā Ā 

#kittenplaying #catvideo #kucingpeliharaan #kitten #anakkucinglucu

posted by ipetra0n