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Achilles Tendon Haglund’s Deformity

Family Podiatry Centre

A Haglund's deformity, also known as a "pump bump," is a bony enlargement at the back of the heel bone (calcaneus) near the Achilles tendon. It is often irritated by the rubbing of the heel against the back of a shoe, which can cause a bursa (a fluidfilled sac that acts as a cushion between bones and tendons or muscles) in this area and can lead to inflammation and pain. Haglund's deformity can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis.

Certain movements of the foot in excess can cause increased traction of the Achilles tendon on the heel bone forming the initial enlargement referred to as an exostosis or when calcified a heel spur. Identifying excessive movements like too much supination and addressing it is key to successful treatment. Left unattended to the Haglund's deformity increases in size and discomfort. Identifying it early leads to successful treatment.


[Introduction music]
This is your calf muscle it needs a structure to allow it to attach into the bone down here and so the calf attaches into a structure known as the Achilles tendon that's this thin portion you see over here which comes down and then flares out and goes into the heel bone as it enters the heel bone it flares out with multiple fibers that used to actually as a developing fetus be part of a structure that is down at the bottom on your foot but as we get older and develop these two structures separate yet their function is still very very closely linked to each other whenever we need to raise our foot up into this position while walking the Achilles tendon is the structure that pulls you up into this position and it's sister structure the plantar fascia tenses up and the foot then is able to push you forward there are a couple of things that can go wrong in the function of the Achilles tendon which leads its to pathology and leads to painful conditions of the foot one of them as you can see here is known as a haglin's deformity or it is a thickening that occurs where the Achilles tendon enters the calcaneus or the heel bone this thickening that sits over here can sometimes rub up against the shoe causing irritation when wearing clothes back shoes a very very common complaint among people wearing leather shoes [Music] because when the foot as it raises up goes into a position we call supination which is where you load the outer part of your foot too much loading the foot on the outer side too much then overloads this particular structure causing this deformity to occur in this particular area to avoid this from happening it is important to stop the supernation movement which is loading on the outer side and to tilt the foot into a position where it can straighten out like this that can be achieved by good shoes or wearing custommade Orthotics inside your shoes to realign the foot to take strain off of this area.

posted by tuannyajh