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Abundance 2/2 - Subtitles in English - Enric Corbera

Enric Corbera

How to be abundant or how to receive abundance?

Enric Corbera explains how to be abundant in our lives, how we should change our thinking, change our relationship with money and change the emotions that prevent success.

"Abundance is not having, Abundance is knowing you already have."

Being abundant is a state of mind: Some people have a lot and do not feel abundant and there are people who have little and feels very abundant.

A Course in Miracles says that we don't have to do anything to go towards love

We are children of love, and therefore, we are love.

Love finds it absurd for me to search for love when I'm swimming in it.

It's absurd for a fish to search for water when it's surrounded by water but it's possible.
That's why a Course in Miracles says: you can keep God from shining through you
but you can't keep God from shining around you, and it's the same for abundance, exactly the same.
There's something a whole lot easier, which is to use Power, and Power is knowing that you are part of abundance, you are part of the wellspring, the source and that obviously the source will give you whatever you are willing to receive.

It's that simple.

But there are a whole series of obstacles that we have to get rid of . This is perhaps our job perhaps because it's not necessary to work.
What's happening is that work is another limiting belief that implies that for me to get something in life I have to give something in exchange You'll also have a great time of it if you believe this...

This is one of the biggest pitfalls that exists in our world believing that to receive you have to give. But this is one of the ego's greatest maxims.
This is Force's great maxim.

We live in a crappy world where if you take a walk around in the world, of course you don't understand anything and since you don't understand anything, you say "Something's wrong here." But there's nothing wrong outside. Something is wrong inside each one of us and obviously it's reflected in our state of consciousness.

The universe simply is abundant and moreover, as I've put in these four principles here it's in equilibrium and nothing happens by chance.
Jesus himself said it in his own jargon: the whole universe everything in the universe has been counted, even the hairs on your head, even the ones that fall out yes, those too, those too have all been counted.

posted by gunoireat